Key Steps for Successfully Engaging Consumers to Eat Sustainably
Thursday, April 2, 2015. by Cheryl Baldwin
In countries such as the U.S., consumers are responsible for about one-third of food waste, more than any other part of the food chain. To combat this, Bon Appétit pioneered removing trays from dining halls resulting in up to 30 percent less consumer waste. They also educated their consumers by weighing and measuring wasted food at dish return stations.
Read More…How Starbucks and Green Mountain serve up shared value
Monday, October 20, 2014. by Cheryl Baldwin
Companies should use World Food Day and the examples of these leaders as an opportunity to evaluate how they could strengthen their producer partners while improving the long-term food security of the communities they touch.
Read More…Food Industry Playing Catch Up on Sustainability
Tuesday, August 12, 2014. by Cheryl Baldwin
However, exceptions aside, the food industry trails other sectors with only 47 percent of the food companies surveyed achieving manufacturing cost savings, compared to 86 percent of the survey’s overall top-performing respondents. Among consumer electronics and home and personal care companies, 88 percent and 78 percent of companies, respectively, reported securing positive results. The food industry’s shortfall in this area extended to all of the benefits studied, including employee engagement, trust and brand enhancement and other potential gains.
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