Many companies find that their biggest environmental impacts lie upstream in their supply chain and/or at the end-of-life of their products. In addition, the market demands that companies anticipate and address emerging issues in the supply chain such as animal welfare, chemical safety and deforestation. Promoting environmental improvements at the beginning and end stages of the life cycle means engaging a web of suppliers, farmers, ingredient processors, recyclers, and product recovery partners.

Engaging these supply chain partners not only helps manage risks and enhances brand reputation, but also unveils opportunities for product development and cost efficiencies. We help companies identify these issues and work with the supply chain to address them through communication, capacity building, and collaboration. We also assist in developing metrics to enable progress tracking. Pure Strategies’ projects include food policy development, sustainable ingredient sourcing strategy and execution, and broad supplier engagement approaches that begin with supplier qualification.

Supply Chain Strategy: Case Studies and Materials

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Massachusetts, USA

47R Englewood Rd, Gloucester, MA 01930

Virginia, USA

2634 Wild Cherry Place, Reston, VA 20191

(978) 525-0480
Massachusetts, USA

47R Englewood Rd, Gloucester, MA 01930

Virginia, USA

2634 Wild Cherry Place, Reston, VA 20191

(978) 525-0480